Long Island Web Designer's Blog

Voice Search Part 1: What is it?

The world wide web was launched in 1990. Google, the leading search engine, was created in 1998. Over the years, Google has updated its algorithm to streamline the search process for users, providing more accurate results. In recent years, Google has prioritized mobile search, causing industry experts to consider mobile an absolute necessity. While mobile

By AnnMarie Minichiello  |  May 24, 2018

What do you hear: SEO or AdWords?

Listen carefully– which one do you hear? Trick question: the right answer is both! The internet recently erupted over what, at first, seemed like a relatively simple question: do you hear Yanny or Laurel? This complicated audio file drove a wedge between even the closest friends in the internet community. I first listened to the

By AnnMarie Minichiello  |  May 23, 2018

March 2018 Google Updates: Did Your Site Tank Recently?

Have you noticed a distinct drop in your rankings and traffic during March-April 2018? You’re not the only one. Many people worry that they have been issued a Google penalty when they see sharp downward movements, but this is not always the case. Google makes major, broad updates to their algorithm several times a year.

By AnnMarie Minichiello  |  April 23, 2018

2017 Stats: Websites, Blogs, Music, and More!

Ever since we started creating websites for small businesses, Logic Web Media has been on the go. 2017 has been no different. In fact, like 2016, 2017 has been quite a busy year for us. Between expanding our team of web monkeys, adding some new skills and services to our repertoire, and staying updated on

By AnnMarie Minichiello  |  December 29, 2017

How Can the Repeal of Net Neutrality Affect Small Business Websites?

Unless you have been under a rock, you have heard the term “Net Neutrality” being thrown around a lot lately. It is a complicated topic to discuss, but it is one that will affect every American. What makes it so complicated is that no one is too sure of the exact effects the repeal will

By AnnMarie Minichiello  |  December 19, 2017

6 Things You Need for a Successful eCommerce Website

With online shopping on the rise, businesses everywhere are trying to keep up and cash in. In order to stay competitive, building an eCommerce website is a good move for all retail stores. Although it is essentially just another website, eCommerce has a few key elements that set it apart. Here are 6 things you

By AnnMarie Minichiello  |  December 18, 2017