At Logic Web Media we’ve spent the last several years as no strangers to the Apple world. Ok, we’ll admit it….we’re Apple snobs! Mostly it’s because Apple offers us unlimited resources in web design. But the style and design of the products we use are definitely keeping us interested. With all the myriad of options to adorn your iPhone, we have to assume this gives an insight to our overall personalities.
Here’s a list of the typical cases we see and what they say about you:

The Purist:
Your iPhone case is…well….plain! Solid color case means you just don’t want your phone to be scratched or squashed. You are practical and keep a roll of floss and chapstick on hand. I bet you invest in your 401(k) too, you commonsensical iPhoner!

The Nerd:
You got that from Etsy, didn’t you? Whether it’s got a mustache and glasses or it has an owl on it, it’s sure to be whimsical and maybe a bit of a fad. When, exactly. did nerds become all the rage? Regardless, us nerdy web developers are quite grateful! I digress…

The Adult Child:
You drink diet coke and are obsessed with Snapchat. Chances are it’s shaped like a bear or a cat or some other random cartoon character shaped from a rubbery material. Whatever it is, it sure as the sun doesn’t fit in your pocket.

The Blinged-out Diva:
You watch Mean Girls and The Kardashians. The flashier the better and you love all things pink and glittery. Style trumps protection with this iPhone case. I’m willing to bet you bedazzled that thing yourself because you couldn’t buy something that sparkles as much as you!

The Butterfingers:
You are no stranger to broken devices and death-by-toilet. The look of your case isn’t as important as the protection you get when you’ve watched your iPhone crash down to the pavement in slow motion a half dozen times while yelling “Noooooo…” Your case resembles luggage and you are probably insanely neurotic.

The Hipster:
It’s got a random abstract design or an image that looks like it was processed through an Instagram filter. It’s probably made of recycled material and costs more to look cheap and old. You know all the functions of your iPhone and can compare it with previous models. Let me guess, you liked Apple before it was cool? Regardless, you now have to use the case to cover up the Apple logo ’cause that’s the irony of life.

The Designer:
This one is familiar to us at Logic Web Media. This type of person wants to express them self the way no case can. When you are looking to shroud the most widely used phone in the world, you want it to be unique and personal to you. You have an eye for design are creative, fun and interesting….or you want to advertise your awesome logo of your awesome company!