New York’s Oven Lovin

Oven Lovin’ is a staple of Holbrook. When they came to us to build their website, we were happy to get started!

With fantastic photography, Logic Web Media was able to design and build an awesome website. Since then, the company has been able to expand on the website and make it a valuable resource for their customers.

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The Challenge

Starting from an outdated website, they were in need of a serious redesign. Not only was the visual aesthetic important, but they also had a ton of new content that needed to be organized in an easily accessible way.

The Solution

Our team designed a custom WordPress website that is easy to navigate and allows the user to find what they need with ease.

A beautiful, modern website that is easy to use and helps the company reach a wider audience. If you're ever in town and looking for a great meal, make sure to check out Oven Lovin'!

Sharing is caring.